
“If I Could Just Look at Her”

America’s Mask Bans in the Age of Face Recognition Surveillance

We’re Grateful for the Constitution

It’s Past Time Congress Reined in the President’s Emergency Powers

In Nicaragua, She Dodged Bullets. Now She’s Stuck at the Border.

Striving for Continuous Thanksgiving

The Trump Administration is Unlawfully Detaining a U.S. Resident Without Charge

Congress Just Temporarily Extended the Government’s Spying Powers

The U.S. Government Tracked, Detained, and Interrogated Journalists. We’re Suing on Their Behalf.

An Arizona Sheriff Deputy’s Abuse of a Quadruple Amputee Teen Highlights a Policing Culture That Must Change

Students Told They Would Be Better Off ‘If They Had Jesus in Their Life’

Whistleblowers Are Public Servants. We Must Protect Them.

Gold Chains: The Hidden History of Slavery in California

The Size of Your Wallet Should Never Determine Your Freedom